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3 Challenges New Insurance Adjusters Face

Being a claims adjuster has its perks. If you have great communication and negotiation skills and like working with numbers, you’re sure to succeed in the field of insurance adjusting. Unfortunately, every job has its challenges and insurance adjustment is no different. You might find yourself facing the following challenges in your career, and you’ll have to learn and adapt to be successful.

Time Management and Personal Life

The better you are at adjusting, the more claims you’ll have on your plate. This means more money, but it also means you’ll have much more work to do on tight deadlines. You’ll have to exercise your discipline, efficiency, and flexibility to meet the demands of your workload. For natural workaholics, this means you’ll need to learn to balance your work and personal life. Your average work week could be 10 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. As excellent as the pay might be, you’ll have to decide if you’re okay with consistently being on the road and away from your family. Being an independent adjuster with a family and kids could mean missing important events like birthdays and school functions, and you’ll have to try and make up for that by spending as much time with your family as you can when you’re at home.

Operation Cost

When you start your career as an insurance claims adjuster, you can’t expect to see your profits right away. Adjusters are responsible for their own travel and equipment costs. You’ll be paying for your own gas, transportation, accommodations, food, and work supplies when you’re on the road. Even if you try to stay within a budget, your first few paychecks will probably go right back to your work. You might not even get any of your paychecks for your first month of work. Planning around your initial and ongoing operation costs is key to being successful as an insurance adjuster.

Facing Emotionally Draining Situations

A big part of your job as an adjuster means meeting with people from all walks of life who might be going through devastating experiences. You’ll have to listen and try to have empathy for these people and what they’re going through. No matter how much of a people person you are, these situations can be extremely draining. The people you help might be grieving what they lost, and they could be struggling with emotions you might not understand. Handling the grief and pain that others are facing requires a certain level of mental resilience. Customer service is one of the most important skills to have as an adjuster, and you’ll probably have to grow a thicker skin to deal with people who might lash out or yell at you. Keeping a balance between empathy and emotional distance is difficult, and it takes time to perfect.

Get Your Insurance Adjuster License With 2021 Training

2021 Training offers a wide range of courses for Texas insurance adjusters. Whether you’re a student or a licensed adjuster, you’ll be able to choose a course or package that works for you. Get your Texas insurance adjuster license on your own time with 24/7 support from our team. At 2021 Training, we make it easy for you to get your start or stay refreshed on insurance adjustment. Call or visit our website to sign up today!

