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5 Reasons to Become a Natural Disaster Insurance Adjuster

So, you’re looking at potential career paths and an insurance adjuster position crossed your road. Like many other careers, there are different types of specializations. Being an insurance adjuster gives you a lot of flexibility, both with time and with the kinds of cases you deal with. You can work with a company or independently. You can deal with small cases or big ones, like car accidents or natural disaster claims. A natural disaster insurance adjuster has grand responsibilities that come with great perks. We have listed some of them below.

You Get to Travel

A natural disaster insurance adjuster can work on claims all over the country. Whenever there is a natural disaster, these adjusters get deployed to that area. One day you can be sleeping cozily in your Texas home, and the next day you could be assessing the damages a hurricane did in California. You never know when or where a disaster might hit, so you are constantly on your feet. Depending on the number of claims, you can stay deployed in an area for months. So, if you like to travel and explore new places, this is a great way to get paid while doing what you love.

High Paying Job

Adjusters that deal with natural disasters get the opportunity to make a high income. There is a high demand for natural disaster insurance adjusters whenever a catastrophe hits. Hundreds, even thousands of people make claims to recover from the event. The more claims you can cover, the more money you make. An adjuster can usually work on 2 to 4 claims a day. Once you are more experienced, you can pick up even more. During these natural events, adjusters can make 6 figures in just a few months!


If you choose this career path, you can be your own boss. You can choose your own hours, which claims you want to tackle, and how far you are willing to travel. However, due to this flexibility, you need to think about your goals and objectives. The more claims, traveling, and hours you work, the higher your paycheck will be. You can also work from home when you aren’t on the front line during a catastrophe. However, you do actively need to seek work since you are managing yourself.

Vacation Time

Natural disaster insurance adjusters can choose to vacation whenever they want. We do recommend taking your time off during December through March. There are usually less disasters during this time of the year. If you are deployed, don’t take a vacation during that time. You won’t be able to return working on those disaster claims. You have 3-6 months of potential vacation time during the winter months. That’s a lot of freedom with your time.

On the Front Line

If you like helping people through times of need, this is a great job opportunity. Most of your clients will be in some of the lowest points in their lives. Their homes and belongings got destroyed by the disasters. Natural disaster insurance adjusters are one of the first people to get to the scene. They are helping people hands-on, and assessing the damage to hopefully help these families recover their losses.

Get Started Today 

If this career path sounds like the right fit for you, get in touch with 2021 Training today. We provide comprehensive online courses to prepare you for the Texas insurance licensing exam. You can take these courses at your own pace, and we have many resources and tips to help you ace the exam. Let us help you begin your successful career.

