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A Day in the Life of a Catastrophe Insurance Adjuster

What does being a claims adjuster involve? A claims adjuster comes in after a customer has made an insurance claim. Typically, a claims adjuster will be working with the insurance company to investigate the claim, work out what happened, and try and find the fairest settlement price possible. After a claim is filed, the claims adjuster will come in and take over the process to ensure that it’s handled properly.

Everyday Tasks for Insurance Adjusters

Insurance Adjusters investigate damages, determine the extent of the insurance company’s liability, and coordinate settlement. This is done for all types of policies: personal, casualty, or property. They correspond with or interview medical specialists, agents, witnesses, or claimants to compile information. Additionally, they calculate benefit payments and approve payment of claims within a certain monetary limit. They also examine claims forms and other records to determine insurance coverage.

Other tasks include:

  • Analyze information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations.
  • Review police reports, medical treatment records, medical bills, or physical property damage to determine the extent of liability.
  • Investigate and assess damage to property and create or review property damage estimates.
  • Interview or correspond with agents and claimants to correct errors or omissions and to investigate questionable claims.
  • Interview or correspond with claimants, witnesses, police, physicians, or other relevant parties to determine claim settlement, denial, or review.
  • Negotiate claim settlements and recommend litigation when settlement cannot be negotiated.

A Typical Day

On a daily basis, Insurance Adjusters and Investigators examine claims forms and other records to determine insurance coverage. They review police reports, medical treatment records, medical bills, or physical property damage to determine the extent of liability.

A typical day for an Insurance Adjuster, Examiner and Investigator will also include:

  • Analyze information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations.
  • Investigate and assess damage to property and create or review property damage estimates.
  • Negotiate claim settlements and recommend litigation when settlement cannot be negotiated.
  • Interview or correspond with agents and claimants to correct errors or omissions and to investigate questionable claims.
  • Refer questionable claims to investigator or claims adjuster for investigation or settlement.

The Responsibilities Continue

Beyond a typical day, Insurance Adjusters and Investigators also examine titles to property to determine validity and act as company agent in transactions with property owners. They may also interview or correspond with claimants, witnesses, police, physicians, or other relevant parties to determine claim settlement, denial, or review.

On a weekly to monthly basis, Insurance Adjusters and Investigators communicate with former associates to verify employment records and to obtain background information regarding persons or businesses applying for credit. They might also collect evidence to support contested claims in court.

In addition, they negotiate claim settlements and recommend litigation when settlement cannot be negotiated.

Although specific duties may vary, many of them refer questionable claims to investigator or claims adjuster for investigation or settlement.

Get Started with 2021 Training Today

With the right training and knowledge, you will make it through and bring home a hefty paycheck as well as priceless wisdom you will benefit from throughout your career. Trust 2021 Training to get you ready for a rewarding career as a Texas insurance claims adjuster.

