When you’re first getting started out in the insurance adjusting industry, you’re just thinking about managing claims and finding work. You may get by just focusing on this for quite a while. Still, at some point, you’re going to run into a dispute. Maybe an insurance company thinks you are losing them money, or a policyholder believes you’re cheating them, or perhaps a contractor is trying to pad their profit margin. Do you know how to diffuse tension and manage any issues that arise? Well, we’ll provide a few sure-fire tips to help you deal with these nasty situations.
Accept it.
Conflict happens. No amount of preventive strategies or top-tier customer service is going to stop it. You just need to understand that sometimes unavoidable situations arise. Don’t linger on the cause. Pivot and figure out how to resolve the issue quickly and amicably.
Stay calm.
It’s understandably anxiety-inducing when a contractor nitpicks your every decision or an upset policyholder lays the blame for a low payout at your feet. As tensions and voices rise, you may want to lash out. However, it’s important that you don’t– stay calm throughout the entire interaction. Make sure your words, tone, and facial expressions remain neutral. More often than not, they’re upset with the situation, not you. Escalating the situation by fighting back is only going to make things worse.
Practice active listening.
It’s easy to shut down and get defensive when someone is critiquing you or saying you did something wrong. An important part of customer service is listening to what the person is really saying. If your boss is telling you they need to see more attention to detail in your investigations, take the time to analyze your work. Have you been taking clear photos? Are your descriptions complete? If a policyholder is saying you missed something, just pause and think. Are you rushing? Did you get photos of all of the damage? Are you clear on what caused the damage to their precious family home? Active listening is one of the quickest ways to resolve an issue.
Offer a resolution.
At the end of the day, you have a job to do. If a policyholder or contractor is too upset or abrasive for you to do it, you need to explore alternatives. First, try to find a resolution that works for all parties involved. You might have to get creative and compromise. If this isn’t possible, sometimes you just have to walk away. Put your safety first. The person who deployed you may be able to offer other solutions, and you can try to complete the job again at a later time.
2021 Training Practical Training Courses
The experts that lead our classes have numerous years of experience in the field. If you’re looking for some insider information to help you manage your experience in the field, sign up for our Practical Adjusting course. This course is jam-packed with information and your instructor will be on standby to answer any questions you have about adjusting.