Day 1 – Orientation
The first day of my first CAT storm is not what I expected but was interesting for sure. We all checked in to the large training room at the hotel and they packed us in as tight as they could. Best I can tell we had about 170 in the room.
The day was filled with all kinds of information. It was a parade of people telling us “Hello” and giving direction about who to contact for what purposes. We wrote down phone number after phone number.
Once the initial housekeeping was done, they got into more specific issues of policy and what is covered and not covered. It was a full day of drinking from a fire hydrant. The outline for the orientation was first day here going through the general overview and the second day was to go to a NextGen class to learn the specific tracking software used by AllState. After that we would be given claims and sent on our way.
So day one finished and I went to bed with my head spinning and somewhat overwhelmed with all the information I had jotted down in my notes. They had taken our laptops into a computer room and they were making sure all the software was set up for us including Xactimate.
John Bowers has a background in construction and decided to add claims adjusting to create a new income source. Follow John’s journey as he shares his experiences on training and deployment.