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How to Become a Successful Catastrophe Adjuster

If you like the thrill of being up-close and personal with the aftermath of catastrophic events around the country, catastrophe adjusting might be the perfect career path for you. Here are some ways you can improve your chances of being successful as a brand new independent catastrophe adjuster. 

Have Secure Emergency Funds

This isn’t a field that’s going to pay well right away, especially as an independent adjuster. Be sure to save enough money to get you through the slow startup new catastrophe adjusters often experience. Before you accept any jobs, have at least $2000 to $5000 available to cover road and emergency expenses. You don’t know when you’re going to get paid on a deployment job. Travelling adjustment jobs have a high cost and a lot of your initial income is going to be invested back into your work.

Keep Realistic Expectations

You aren’t going to strike gold on your first job as a catastrophe adjuster. In fact, you probably aren’t going to see much of your first few paychecks because they’re going to go back into your work expenses. Better work and better pay will come if you stay consistent and motivated, but keep your expectations low for your first few jobs. 

Actively Seek Work

Instead of waiting for the perfect opportunity to come to you, actively pursue work when you’re starting out. Your best bet is to network as much as you can. Your first few jobs will come to you if you get to know the right people in the industry, so get your name out there and make connections with well-respected adjusters and industry professionals. Getting the right people on your side makes your name more likely to come up to someone who needs your services. After your first job, it’ll most likely be easier to secure future opportunities.

Have A Backup Job

Catastrophe adjusting may be your passion, but it probably won’t pay the bills on its own. Plan on doing backup work to make ends meet when catastrophe adjustment gets slow. Try starting out with daily auto or property adjustment jobs to get practice and visibility. When you’re between catastrophe adjusting jobs, keep a steady income with other kinds of insurance adjustment.

Maximize Your Income

Get licensed in the states where you’re sure to find the most job opportunities. Make yourself available to work in more areas, and to do more than just adjustment work. Try to work with as many independent insurance adjusting firms as you can to maximize work opportunities and spend as little as you can while you’re on the road. These tricks will help you get more work and better income.

Get Your Texas Insurance Adjuster License With 2021 Training

Don’t give up on your dream of being an insurance claims adjuster. With 2021 Training, you can get your Texas insurance adjuster license online and on your schedule. We offer courses and packages for different types of insurance adjustment so you can pursue whatever fields you’re interested in. Our staff is available for 24/7 support whenever you need it. Visit our website to browse our courses and packages and start your career as an adjuster today!

How to Succeed as an Independent Catastrophe Adjuster

Have Startup Cash
When you are just starting off as an independent catastrophe adjuster, we suggest having  $2,000 to $5,000 saved up for the job. This money will help cover traveling expenses and any emergencies that may arise. Since you are working in areas that have been devastated by a catastrophe, you never know what might come up during the job. 

It takes longer to get paid for property claims than auto ones, so play it safe by having extra cash to pay for expenses while you wait for your first paycheck. You will also need special equipment that may not be provided if you work independently.

Invest in Catastrophe Adjuster Tools
Here is some equipment that you will need in order to perform your job:

Cell Phones and Unlimited Data
You need a phone with great coverage and an unlimited plan. When working in areas that have encountered a disaster, you might struggle with service. Try to invest in the best plan that your phone company offers, so you can have coverage wherever you go. A phone is essential for your job. You can send emails, answer calls, take pictures, navigate to inspections, schedule appointments, and find jobs with it. And, we recommend getting a cheap backup phone as well. You never know what can happen during a catastrophic event.

You need a proper laptop to perform your job. It’s where you will deal with paperwork and sort out claims. It can keep track of all of your assignments and tasks. You can also download damage estimating softwares on your laptop.

Measurement Tools
It’s also important to have tools that can measure damages, such as a 40 inch measuring tape, and a laser distance measurer. Get an adjuster tool belt as well.

Actively Search for Jobs
An independent catastrophe adjuster needs to always be looking for new claims. Having the freedom to choose when and where to work is a great benefit, but you have to use it wisely. No one is going to be insisting you to work certain days or take certain claims. You will have to make those decisions yourself, as well as seek those job opportunities. When you aren’t assessing claims or filing paperwork, contact adjusting firms and ask them about any available claims or do some other research too.

