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Organization Techniques To Help Insurance Adjusters Increase Productivity

It’s important to develop solid organization skills early on in your career. This will help you manage your workload and grow your skills. Great organization skills will also make you an asset to insurance companies, and they’ll be more likely to send more claims your way. It’s also worthwhile to you because as an independent adjuster, the quicker you can close out a claim the quicker you can continue on to the next. In other words, the more organized you are the more you stand to profit. 

Manage your time

As an independent insurance adjuster, you may be expected to juggle numerous claims at the same time. It’s important that you have the skills and technology to keep track of all of them. If you’re more old school, keep a running to-do list so you can cross off items as you complete them. For those who prefer to keep all of their information in one place, you can update your schedule on an online scheduler like Google calendar. 

Keep your bag organized

Whether you choose to use a suitcase, tote bag, or backpack make sure it has a lot of compartments so you can organize your documents and technology. Having an ordered system will help keep you prepared, so you won’t lose time digging through a cluttered bag. Or worse, lose important documentation. If you don’t want to carry a bag around, at least keep a binder in your car and put everything in its place before you take off. 

Go paperless

The more paper you have the more clutter you have. When you go paperless you can keep all of your documents, contacts, and the information you collect in neat files on your device. 

Set Goals

Once you set goals for the future and write them down you can start working towards them. Organizing all of your goals in one place, and setting a plan to achieve them will produce results. 

Reduce Clutter

You should frequently go through your email and voicemails. Clear out anything that you’ve taken care of already, or simply isn’t important. Then, prioritize anything important that you’d forgotten about. Try to do this once a week or bi-weekly to ensure you don’t miss any vital messages. 

2021 Training

If you already have fantastic organization skills then you could make an excellent insurance adjuster. Check out some of our other blogs to see if you have what it takes to work as a claims adjuster. Once you’re sure, sign up for an online insurance adjusting course with us. All of our classes are 100% online and led by industry experts. Better yet, you can work at your own pace. You can finish our insurance adjusting classes over a long weekend or really take your time; pause, rewind and replay until you fully understand the course material. We are so dedicated to preparing you for your future career that we offer a pre-licensing course that prepares more than 95% of students to pass the licensing exam on their first attempt. We also offer practical adjusting courses and continuing education courses to help you once you start working as an insurance adjuster.  

