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Texas Infrastructure Failure Confirms Importance of Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters go where the damage is. They walk into the aftermath of a disaster offering solutions when everything seems to be hopeless and awful. Insurance adjusters promise stability and an attainable vision for a better future that clients can actually engage with.

Winter Storm Uri

It’s important to understand the reality of what insurance adjusters walk into when they investigate insurance claims and offer services and support to clients. Texas recently endured a horrible infrastructural failure in February. Millions of people were left in the darkness, both literally and figuratively. Texans had to deal with the loss of electricity, freezing temperatures, and a depressurized water system.

The second-largest state in the U.S. was crumbling under the pressure of a disaster. The problems stemmed from inadequate infrastructure and severe weather. Eventually, other states were able to send aid, funding, and donations to help Texans. This is where the role of insurance adjusters comes in. Insurance adjusters who work in disaster areas must be familiar with a variety of coverages. This includes storm damage, water damage, fire damage, and more. Other adjusters work within the medical field to aid clients in coverage for medical claims and policies.

It’s easy to see why insurance adjusters were important in Texas while dealing with the aftermath of Winter Storm Uri.

Different types of insurance adjusters

Now, it is important to understand that there are three different types of insurance adjusters. They come in the form of company adjusters, independent adjusters, and public adjusters. 

Insurance companies employ staff adjusters as full-time employees. These employees work for the company. Their primary responsibility is to evaluate and manage claim services for the company in order to save the company money.

Independent adjusters work as independent contractors who work for themselves. Essentially this means these adjusters are insurance company representatives who are responsible for processing claims. Public adjusters are much the same, except they represent the policyholder. In both cases, the adjuster is responsible for conducting a thorough investigation, reporting their findings, and securing a fair claim payout.

How lawmakers are responding to the infrastructure failure

Context about the different types of insurance adjusters there are will help you select the path you\’re most interested in. That way, you can equip yourself to provide some public good and help policyholders navigate catastrophic events. 

Lawmakers are calling for an extension of discussion on the widespread electric outages during frigid temperatures. Power outages during Winter Storm Uri caused several dozen deaths, damage to property, a range of health issues, and more. 

How the insurance industry is responding and what insurance adjusters can do

The insurance industry is responding to the situation, as the winter freeze and infrastructure failure touched every county in Texas. The storm also prompted insurance claims that battle the $19 billion claims from Hurricane Harvey.

Insurance companies covered most of the claims made. Most policies covered the damage caused by the winter storm. Currently, insurance companies and insurance adjusters are positioned in a unique way that will maximize reach and coverage. Begin your 2021 Training today to help you navigate the insurance industry as it continues to evolve. We offer practical courses taught by industry professionals. They will prepare you to offer insurance adjusting services after future catastrophes.

