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What Types of Natural Disasters Should Insurance Adjusters Be Prepared for in Texas?

Texas is a ginormous state. In fact, Texas is bigger than many countries in the world, such as Germany and France. Now that you have a quick gauge of the size of Texas, you can understand why there are so many different types of natural disasters that occur here. If you want to become a natural disaster insurance adjuster, this state offers many opportunities for work. From hurricanes to wildfires, we have it all. These disasters devastate Texas residents, so if you want to help these people recover from them, get your career started with 2021 Training. Our online classes will prepare you for the Texas insurance licensing exam. Let’s make a difference in these people’s lives, by helping them get through these natural disasters.

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

Every year, hurricanes and tropical storms affect Texas, especially during August and September. Although tropical storms aren’t as intense as hurricanes, they still bring destruction. Both disasters bring massive rainfall, flooding, storm surges, coastal erosions, power outages, landslides, and even flash floods. 

Hurricane season starts in June and lasts until November. Be prepared to be on call during these months, for these disasters have dire consequences. Some of these disasters are unpredictable, so you never know when your help will be needed. 


Did you know that the majority of tornadoes in the United States occur in Texas? There is an infamous place called Tornado Alley. Although there are no core boundaries to this territory, Northern Texas is technically part of it. There is an average of 140 to 150 tornadoes per year. Most of them occur in the Red River Valley of North Texas, while the southwestern part of the state experiences the least amount. Most of them occur from March through June, but you need to be prepared to receive the phone call for work on any day of the year.


Texas is the second-most wildfire-prone state after California. We get an average of 900 wildfires per year. Do you know what’s worse? 90% of the wildfires are caused by humans. Some of these fires are the result of burning debris carelessly, discarding cigarette butts improperly, and arson.

However, some wildfires occur naturally due to hot summers and long periods of drought. Over 72% of the Texas population lives in an area that has a high wildfire risk. That’s over 18 million residents that can have their life turned upside down and will need your help to recover from these natural disasters.

Severe Storms

There are hail, lightning, and thunderstorms throughout the year. However, they are most popular during the springtime, which is March through May. In Texas, there are about 50 thunderstorms a year. You can expect hail during these thunderstorms. In fact, Texas has seen some of the costliest hail-related damages on record. Imagine blocks of ice falling down from the sky at high speeds. Who knows if your car will survive. 

Get Started With 2021 Training 

As you can see, there are many natural disasters here in Texas. If you want to be an insurance adjuster, the market is huge. To get started on your certificate, get in touch with 2021 Training. We will provide you with all the resources and information to ace the licensing exam!

