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Claims Adjuster Conferences

2021 Training Customer Support

Navigating Texas Licensing Requirements for Adjusters

Navigating the licensing requirements for adjusters in Texas can be a complex process, encompassing a range of criteria from eligibility to compliance with state laws. This comprehensive guide aims to streamline this journey, providing clear insights and actionable steps to help prospective and current adjusters understand and fulfill the requirements effectively. Key Takeaways Understanding the […]

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What are the Most Important Qualities of a Successful Independent Claims Adjuster?

While it is an often-overlooked factor for most people, a good sense of timing is an important component for the early success of any aspiring independent claims adjuster. Many people who consider independent claims adjusting as a career tend to adopt a wait and see mentality even as the hurricane season approaches. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX, my team and I are proud to be a continuing source of knowledge, guidance, and support for individuals seeking success in the claims industry.

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Don’t Wait Until the Next Big Storm: Why Training Early is the Right Choice for New Independent Claims Adjusters

While it is an often-overlooked factor for most people, a good sense of timing is an important component for the early success of any aspiring independent claims adjuster. Many people who consider independent claims adjusting as a career tend to adopt a wait and see mentality even as the hurricane season approaches. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX, my team and I are proud to be a continuing source of knowledge, guidance, and support for individuals seeking success in the claims industry.

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The Most Important Asset for a Successful Independent Claims Adjuster

As many experts would tell you, setting aside time for personal activities regardless of your busy schedule is an important part of staying healthy and avoiding the burnout of an active lifestyle. For myself, I try to almost always start the day with a quiet time of reflection. Sometimes I find it difficult to do that because I want to start working and get things done, but I know how important it can be to slow down before picking up the pace. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX, my team and I have spent years working with people to get them ready for a bright future as an independent claims adjuster, and I know how important it can be to maintain a focus on what matters most.

The Most Important Asset for a Successful Independent Claims Adjuster Read More »

Online Texas Insurance Adjuster Training

Important Advice for Your Claims Adjuster Tools

One of the most common questions that students ask while preparing for their career as an independent claims adjuster is what will it take to achieve the most success and profit. The formula for a successful career as a claims adjuster is very simple: more closed claims means more money earned. It all depends on your ability to work quickly, efficiently and accurately to resolve the maximum number of claims. The time you spend finding the answer to a question or returning to Xactimate and fixing missing entries or adding forgotten images is time spent not closing a claim and not making money. This is where your personal tools come in. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX my team and I have spent years helping a growing number of individuals prepare themselves for success as independent claims adjusters, and we recognize just how important it can be to pay close attention to your tools.

Important Advice for Your Claims Adjuster Tools Read More »

claims adjuster online training

Bridging the Gap Between Roofing Contractors and Claims Adjusters

For anyone who owns a home or business, a constant source of worry is the concern of when (and how) their roof might be in a situation that requires immediate repair or replacement. Whether this problem is a result of the age of the structure and roof itself or a consequence of a severe weather event or other unexpected disasters, the result is the same. The roof will need to be taken care of as quickly as possible for both safety and comfort reasons, and it can be an intimidating process for most people. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX, my team and I have been using our industry and hands-on experience for years to help people prepare themselves to succeed as independent insurance claims adjusters, and we know just how important it can be to have the right knowledge to communicate effectively with roofing contractors.

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Preparing for Powerful Weather Events in Texas as an Independent Claims Adjuster

As more and more severe weather events occur each year, the demand for insurance claims adjusters continues to rise. While many people are looking at becoming a claims adjuster as a way to break free of the typical 9 to 5 schedule and increase their income possibilities, not everyone is prepared for the challenges and difficulties of being deployed to an area that has been hit hard by a storm. As an independent claims adjuster, being able to navigate unstable structures and accurately assess damage comes with the territory. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX, my team and I have spent more than a decade arming new claims adjusters with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in this exciting career through our online training process.

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How Drones can Make the Claims Adjusting Process Easier than Ever Before

As more and more severe weather events occur each year, the demand for insurance claims adjusters continues to rise. While many people are looking at becoming a claims adjuster as a way to break free of the typical 9 to 5 schedule and increase their income possibilities, not everyone is prepared for the challenges and difficulties of being deployed to an area that has been hit hard by a storm. As an independent claims adjuster, being able to navigate unstable structures and accurately assess damage comes with the territory. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX, my team and I have spent more than a decade arming new claims adjusters with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in this exciting career through our online training process.

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tropical storm dorian

Storm Specific Orientations for CAT Adjusters: Know What to Expect

Before you are given your list of claim files during your initial deployment for a storm, most adjuster firms will spend some time going through an orientation for the specifics of the weather event to prepare their troops for their upcoming workload while discussing any potential situations they may need to address. At 2021 Training in Plano, TX, my team of experienced claims adjusting trainers and I have spent years working with many individuals to give them the knowledge and resources they need to be successful out in the field as an independent claims adjuster.

Storm Specific Orientations for CAT Adjusters: Know What to Expect Read More »

Achieving Success on Your First Deployment as an Independent Claims Adjuster

When making your first steps into a new career as an insurance claims adjuster, one of the first (and biggest challenges) you’re likely going to face is how to effectively manage various aspects of your day during a CAT deployment following a big storm. A call for deployment can come unexpectedly, and as the weather shifts in the next few months, the chances of heading out to the location of a recent storm goes up.

Achieving Success on Your First Deployment as an Independent Claims Adjuster Read More »